Extravagant refers to something that is excessively lavish, luxurious, or beyond what is necessary or reasonable. It’s like a grand feast with an abundance of food and decoration, far more than anyone could consume. Imagine it as a costume adorned with glittering jewels and elaborate designs, far surpassing everyday attire.
When something is described as extravagant, it highlights a sense of opulence and excess. An extravagant lifestyle might include spending lavishly on luxuries and indulgences, while an extravagant gift could be something incredibly costly and impressive. Extravagant signifies a departure from moderation, celebrating excess and grandeur in a way that is both impressive and sometimes excessive.
Rootmemory.com was founded by Deep Rana, who is a mechanical engineer by profession and a blogger by passion. He has a good conceptual knowledge on different educational topics and he provides the same on this website. He loves to learn something new everyday and believes that the best utilization of free time is developing a new skill.