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Allay means to calm or alleviate, typically in relation to fears, concerns, or discomfort. It’s like soothing and easing emotional or physical distress. Picture it as the act of gently lessening the intensity of something, providing comfort and reassurance.

When you allay, you’re taking deliberate steps to bring about a sense of relief. It could involve calming someone’s anxieties, addressing worries, or alleviating physical discomfort. Allaying is about making things feel better, offering a comforting presence or solution to ease burdens and create a more serene environment.

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Deep was founded by Deep Rana, who is a mechanical engineer by profession and a blogger by passion. He has a good conceptual knowledge on different educational topics and he provides the same on this website. He loves to learn something new everyday and believes that the best utilization of free time is developing a new skill.

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