Deflect means to cause something to change direction or to prevent attention or criticism from being directed at oneself. It involves redirecting focus, whether it’s a physical object or a conversation, to avoid impact or scrutiny. Being able to deflect effectively can be useful in managing difficult situations or avoiding conflicts.
When someone is described as deflecting, it highlights their ability to shift attention or blame away from themselves or a particular issue. It’s not just a simple redirection but often a strategic move to avoid direct confrontation or responsibility. Deflection suggests a tactical approach to navigating challenges, aiming to protect oneself or alter the course of an interaction.
Deep was founded by Deep Rana, who is a mechanical engineer by profession and a blogger by passion. He has a good conceptual knowledge on different educational topics and he provides the same on this website. He loves to learn something new everyday and believes that the best utilization of free time is developing a new skill.